When i was creating my first pages of my article, i knew i wanted to have an image of a concert with a photo of the band infront. However the orginal lighting in the image made the photograph of the my band look unrealistic, as the lighting of that photo was not the way i wanted it even when i changed the options around. Another point would have been that it you would not be able to see the text that went with the

As i thought that this idea wasnt the best it could possibly be, i decided to use another image of a concert, changed the brightness of it, however unlike the previous idea, i split the page in two. Having half white (to make the text easier to read) and the other half as the image from the concert. This worked well with the image of my band, as it looks more like they are there. A second advantage of having it this way would be the fact that " Baptism By Fire" was able to be a darker colour, and was contrasted with the lighter, better colours of the images on the rest of the page. It is also more noticable to the reader, so it takes less to find the article if they had not used the the contents page.
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